pátek 11. července 2008


Hello, I left my blog before few days, but I´m already back. Workweek is drawing to close and weekend will begin tomorow. My plans, or our plans?

Saturday will be a same as last weeks. I wake up about 6.00 a.m. and go to the bathroom. After that follows a return to bed and switch on the notebook. I browse all my emails, blog and other interesting sites. At 11.00 a.m. I go to Oranmore, where I have a meeting with Radek. Joint action can be start. We go by Radeks truck to Athlone and our cameback to Oranmore is about 3.00 p.m. We have to stay at home to Radkas return from her work(for my polish friends – Radka and Radek are the young couple). Now, we can think out a trip. Where?

We don´t know so far…There are a many places where we were already. Journey can be a long for us, but we don´t have a problem with that thing. We have a car(s). I have to wait up on my frinds ideas, but I would certainly try it eastern or northern coasts.

That´s it for a opening to weekend. You can try your English skills and If you find some mistakes, write it into the opinions. Thanks. Tomorow morning I will connect Czech translation.

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